The Bengal Cat, Sure to Find a Spot in Your Heart
The Bengal Cat is recognized by the International Cat Association in brown tabby, seal lynx point, seal sepia tabby and seal mink tabby colors, and spotted (single-colored spots or two-toned rosettes in a random pattern) and marble (random tabby markings minus the distinctive bull's eye) patterns.
The Bengal is most noted for its luxurious short, soft coat which may appear in either the spotted or marble pattern. Some Bengal's coats feature something called glitter which imparts an iridescent sheen to each hair. Grooming requirements are minimal. A weekly brush out or thorough rub down controls any shedding.
The International Bengal Cat Society
Bengal cats are best described as confident, alert, curious, intelligent and friendly. While known to be “big talkers”, these beauties often say more by communicating with their large, expressive eyes than their repertoire of meows and chirps. Their energy level is very high.
Romping and playing is a big part of being a Bengal Cat. They are happiest when provided with a nice tall cat tree with a perch at the top from which they can observe the world. Sweet tempered and high spirited, Bengals bring a shot of live and happy energy wherever they go.
Bengals are medium to large cats, from 6-15 pounds. A healthy Bengal is well muscled with a wedge head that is longer than wide; a broad nose and large oval eyes. According to the International Cat Association, The Bengal's spots can be large or small and often include rosettes, like the spots of Jaguars and Leopards, which are two- toned spots. Bengals may also be marbled. The marbled Bengal has a swirling pattern that appears as random swirls or thick diagonal and horizontal lines flowing across the coat of the cat.
The TICA states that the most popular color of the Bengal is the brown/black tabby, ranging from a cool grey to vibrant shades of golden, bronze, copper or mahogany with spots or marbling ranging from rich browns to intense black. Bengals also come in a range of colors associated with a form of albinism, called "snow" by breeders, that indicates Siamese and Burmese ancestry. Silver Bengals have grey to nearly white backgrounds with dark grey to black patterns.

The Bengal Cat as a Companion
Bengals are busy by nature. They are very affectionate and can be a great "lap cat" whenever they choose to be, but they are active and curious cats, and like to stay busy by chasing, climbing and investigating.
When a Bengal cat is in full on “ play mode”, it's rather like trying to hold on to running water! Speaking of water, these cats are not only curious and entertaining – they also have a special love of water. Many Bengals enjoy water and may join you in brushing your teeth or taking a shower.
Each Bengal is an individual and those interested should find out as much as they can about this wonderful breed before adding one to their family. Bengals are generally confident, curious and devoted companions. They get along well with other pets when properly introduced and enjoy being part of a family.

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