The Somali cat, a cat with a fox like appearance and smarts to match
The Somali cat has an agouti, or ticked, coat with four to twenty bands of color on each hair. The ticked fur mantles the cat with harmonizing solid color on its underside. The CFA recognizes the Somali in four colors: ruddy, red, blue and fawn.
This beautiful breed is blessed with a medium-length soft and silky coat that requires little grooming. The coat is usually one to three inches long, with shorter fur across the shoulders. The tail is fluffy and full; their feet have tufts between the toes. Though the coat looks warm, this cat does not tolerate cold well at all.
Somalis are very smart cats, and although they are very active, they have sweet little voices and are generally quiet. They talk to their humans with low, soft mews and when excited, may give a unique and musical little trill. They are very much extroverts and most extremely social. They have a joyous energy and zest for life. These cats will happily play for as long as you like, and will “do the cute face” to solicit nuzzles and pats. This people loving breed really does thrive on human companionship.
The Somali cat is truly stunning to behold. It bears a resemblance to a little fox, having large ears; a masked face framed by a full ruff and finished off with a fantastic, bushy tail. The Somali’s wild-animal look is what draws a lot of attention. Somalis are well-proportioned, medium to large cats with good muscular development. Their body is medium long and graceful. This breed’s large, almond shaped eyes can range in color from bright green to fiery copper.

The Somali cat as a Companion
Somalis are people lovers and active participants in any and all household activities. This energetic beauty will have bursts of energy several times a day, at which time they will take off through the house, jumping into the air and literally running up their cat tree (Buy a tall one!). This energy burst will usually include such activities as tossing balls and toys in the air, fetching them back and then starting all over again!
Tail and back arched, the Somali will run sideways like a monkey, and can even hold objects and food the way a monkey does. This breed is very good at opening cupboards and drawers. If you can't find your Somali, look in drawers because Somalis sometimes hide inside their secret areas. Many Somalis learn to turn on faucets, and they love to play in and with water.
This breed is happiest when allowed the run of the house, and has lots of toys and humans to play with. Not a good loner, this cat needs companionship to thrive, especially human. Smart and beautiful this breed makes a terrific family companion.

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