Cat Furniture Even Humans Will Love!
"Cat furniture is all the same" I've heard it a thousand times. And as's resident Cat Lady I have to agree that much of it really is very similar in style, color scheme, quality and more. Most brands don't rate a full page on my website either. But every now and then, I make an exception.
OK, I've made it pretty clear by now that I very seldom give commercial products the

and even then, only after much research. I have recently discovered a truly amazing line of cat furniture though, and I have to say that it just completely thrilled me. Even on what is considered to be "premium" quality cat furniture, there are often staples, exposed hardware, shoddy workmanship and worse.
Not that all cat furniture is bad, far from it! I am just very picky with what my fur baby comes in contact with, and I know a lot of you feel the same. Cat lovers have funny ways of looking at furniture, beds, and other supplies for their felines.
We cat lovers spend a lot of time looking at cat related articles and ads for all the goodies we would love to buy for our cats.
I'm no different. So when I got one of my cat newsletters the other day, I naturally scanned it for interesting content. While I was there, I saw an ad for some very different cat furniture!
The first thing that struck me was a most amazing cat tree.
This birch wood beauty is one piece of finely crafted cat furniture.
This "tree" is much nicer than any I've seen. Named the "Sky Climber", it's only one of the offerings from a South Carolina company called Whisker Studio.
With an itty bitty footprint of just 18” x 21”, this beautiful piece of furniture stands 6 feet tall.
There are lots of shelves all the way up to the top and not one, but two vertical scratching surfaces for the lucky cat whose thoughtful human bought this for him!
Then there's the "Kitty Cot", a really comfortable piece of cat furniture that looks like the highest quality human furniture. This is just wonderful for cats who like to power lounge with their humans.
For those with older kitties or those who have problems with their joints, this is one of the best investments for your cat's comfort. The Kitty Cot has a soft flexible "day bed" hammock on top for lounging, and the bottom section makes a terrific hideaway for your feline friend!
The high quality craftsmanship, top notch materials and stylish design make it a beautiful addition to any room!
And the "Cat Cave" well, you just gotta check it out. It somehow manages to hold the same allure for cats as the cardboard boxes they all seem to desire. But we don't always want their favorite cardboard box laying around, and cluttering up things.
When not in use, the Cat Cave looks like a very nice magazine rack. With it's beautiful hand rubbed wood finish (non toxic), it's such a refreshing change from the usual big, furry cat beds that seem to take up too much room!
Cats just love to hide out in this and watch the world. Ventilated for easy cleaning and kitty's comfort. It's a safe spot and hidden lair for your cat, all in one elegantly finished birch wood package!
This company makes many more great items for cats, all of which have the same attention to detail and true craftsmanship. No, these products are not cheap. But then, what did you pay for your furniture?
Don't just spend a few dollars on some highly destructible, purple, frilly, glittery, fairy-cat furniture from the local super center. Instead, consider doing for your cat as you would do for yourself - buy good quality furniture that will look great in your home and make your cat happy for many years to come.
I intend to continue keeping tabs on this cat furniture manufacturer in the future. The company is run by cat lovers just like us and their cats test every item before it's approved (sound familiar MCS fans?). My fine feline associates leave no shelf, scratcher or piece of cat furniture unturned in their tireless quest to find new and better items for MCS (MyCatSite) readers. Why sometimes they even go upside down in their quest for great products!

With online assembly instructions for every item, it's easy to check out their website and see just how well designed and easy to assemble their products are. Built and finished with all non-toxic materials, This line of products has no exposed hardware to scratch, pinch or cut your cat. No more staples to worry about either! In short, I love this company and I know you will too (and no, they haven't hired me yet! LOL).
Have a look-see and I'm sure you'll see what I'm talking about. I wish every cat could enjoy this kind of wonderful cat luxury! I'll keep you posted on this site when more new items good enough to get the MCS Head Bonk of Approval come my way. Till then, enjoy life, spoil your kitties and live like a cat!
~Raven, The Cat Lady
Check Out All The Great Cat Furniture From Whisker City! Click On The Banner Below.
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